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4 Key points to deliver an amazing Elevator Pitch

By Nishchay Motadoo
2024-04-30 13:29:59

The elevator pitch is one of the strongest tools you can use when you are networking. Often it is the deciding factor whether you get your foot through the door or no.

But what is the meaning of Elevator Pitch?

How did the term - "Elevator Pitch"- come about?

Well, here’s the story:

A sales representative once went to a large fortune 500 company.

He got into the elevator and guess who stepped in next to him? The CEO of that company.

The sales representative had just 60 seconds before the elevator hit the top floor. What did he tell the CEO?

This was how the 60 second elevator pitch was born.

Elevator Pitch simply means that you must be able to clearly communicate to someone, what you do and how you can be of help to them in 1 min or less.

Now, let us try to understand-

The points you need to keep in mind while preparing a great elevator pitch.

1. What is your objective?

Why are you meeting the person?

What do you want to get out of the conversation?

The answer to these 2 questions needs to be clear in your head before you start making your pitch.

The elevator pitch needs to be customized based on the result you want to achieve after the conversation.

For example, Do you want to sell a product/service? or Do you want to collaborate with the company?

2. What do you and your company do?

Convey clearly what product/services your company offers.

Additionally, your designation and role in the company need to be clearly communicated.

Make sure you talk about only the relevant stuff i.e. the stuff that the prospect cares about.

Do not get into too many details at this point of time.

3. What is your USP?

This is the main part of your elevator pitch.

USP is the unique selling proposition that your company has to offer to its clients.

How interesting your company’s USP is, decides if you get the next meeting or not.

Make sure you clearly identify the edge your company’s products/services have over those of its competitors and convey it with confidence.

4. Ask an open-ended question.

Always ask an opened question at the end of your elevator pitch.

An open-ended question is a question that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.

It ensures that the person now must elaborate on a particular point.

Ending your elevator pitch with an open-ended question will mark the beginning of an effective sales conversation.

Hope this blog helps you improve your elevator pitch. For any further assistance on increasing your sales, visit us at www.search4excellence.com

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